Come Roll with us! National Jelly Roll Day Saturday Sept. 17, 2022

Tomorrow is National Jelly Roll Day!
We would like to offer you another
special offer!
Our Jelly rolls are on sale Saturday for 20%off
because you asked to get our newsletter, we are
also offering you an extra 5% off if you use the
code "extra5" when you check out. This is only
available on Saturday from 9am- 9pm
If you shop at the store, just tell the clerk
You saw the email for an extra 5% off!
If you are looking for inspiration patterns for those
Jelly rolls, Moda has four new patterns on their free
pattern section of their website. You can check them out
I've already found some favorites!
We will be putting out some new precuts just for
this sale! Come on and Roll with US!