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Anderson Fabrics July 2024 Newsletter


What a month June was!   We finished one shop hop and moved to getting fabric and making samples for another one. Last week the Lady Slippers were in full bloom.     Clare left for two weeks for a trip of a lifetime, Viking Rhine River Cruise.  Highlights were the german villages, cathedrals, castles, gelato, macaroons, and beautiful scenery! See a few pictures below.  

 Quilt Minnesota will start July 26th and run through August 17th. Our Quilt MN fabrics are online and can be pre-ordered.  The flyers are here and you can check out all the shops in this hop.  The fabric is fun and very suitable for  Minnesota. We don’t have our samples quite ready to share on this page, but our block is ready.  With one of the features of the fabric is our MN children’s game “ Duck, Duck, Grey Duck”. I had no idea that it is a version of the game mostly done in Minnesota, other areas say Duck, Duck, Goose. We really felt we should play on that theme, since we are Blackduck, and our block represents just that!   We will be open everyday from 9-5 during the hop, Sunday’s 12-5.  Hope to see you during this hop!

We will have an attic window wall hanging, a quilt using the MN 24” lake panel. Duck, Duck Grey Duck Quilt, and of course …tank runners.

 Our region this year has three stores: Oklee Quilting and Supplies, Up North Quilting in International Falls and Anderson Fabrics Quilt Shop.  Our region prize is two charm packs from Island Batiks, a choice of five colorways. Check out the website at :

With the Shop Hop starting the end of July, just a heads up if you plan to be in the Blackduck area on Saturday, July 27th.  Our famous Quilter, Mary, organizes a talent show in memory of two special people to Blackduck that passed too early in life.  It is always a good show, and could possibly be the last one she coordinates.  She works hard convincing people to share their talent.  It starts at 7 pm in the Blackduck High school Multi-purpose room (has a nice stage) If you are in the area, put this on your schedule to attend.  A free will donation goes to local scholarships.

July 27th is also Blackduck’s annual Woodcarvers Festival.  This brings area artisans to the  Blackduck Wayside Park!  This one of a kind festival showcases woodworking crafts of all kinds.  Come see the large variety of arts and craftsSaturday 9-4.

One of our talented patrons is having a Quilt Show.  Jennifer Lewis is having a Quilt show, Saturday August 31st at  3552 8th Av NW, Hackensack MN.  Jennifer does beautiful quilting, we always love seeing her projects.  Charlotte and Clare will be going to this quilt show.  Room for two more in our car…

New Kits: We have been hard at work cutting kits and making samples.  The following pictures are just a sampling of what is available.  As always, check us out on Facebook.  We usually show the new kits when they are ready. 

Free Sew Cuddle Pillow Case:

Charlotte would like to do a Cuddle Pillow case free sew.  Her family has been loving the cuddle pillowcases and she would love to show you how easy they are. Tuesday,  August 20th she will be here to sew with you, at 4pm,  let us know if you plan to come as sewing stations are limited.  Everyone thinks they are hot, but they are just soft. Both Clare and Charlotte sleep on them every night.


Charlotte  will also have a Stand n’ Stow class on Saturday Sept 21st. Class fee is $25



Trendy Table 3 runner book and kits 25%    

July 1-6         Novelty (Halloween, Kids, etc) 20% off

July 8-13        Christmas Fabrics 20% off

July 15-20      Kits 15% off

July 29-Aug 2   Outdoor Quilting fabric 20% off

Aug 5-10          Batik Fabrics 15%

Aug 12-17       Drapery fabric 20% off (Upstairs)


     Happy Sewing!  From: Clare, Mary, Charlotte, Lisa, Deb, Shelly, Susan, Anika and Sandy.

   Check out our Website:  or       

Like us on Facebook: Anderson Fabrics and Quilt Shop

Special Order Draperies, Fabric Shade or Cornices Available

 Hours:  Monday-Friday 10-5pm          Saturday 10-3pm Closed Sundays                                                                                                                                                                                        

Mailing Address:       348 Summit Ave West,  

                                    Blackduck, MN 56630

Physical Address:      24 Summit Ave. East 

                                    Blackduck MN 56630


1.800.638.8921 or 218.835.6377
Contact Info
  • Ph: (800) 638.8921
  • (218) 835.6377
  • 24 Summit Ave. E
  • Blackduck, MN 56630
Monday - Friday:
9am - 4pm

Saturday: 10am - 3pm
Sunday: Closed
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